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Foam Rolling:

The use of foam rollers within a high performance and gym setting have greatly increased over the last few years, with greater research and application of its benefits have increased. Not only does foam rolling have great benefits for the release of tight/sore muscles post exercise but it is now understood how valuable it can be pre-exercise.


What is Foam Rolling?

Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release (SMR) that can be easily done by anybody and anywhere. This is one of the largest benefits of doing foam rolling both pre-and post-exercise. It can have many of the same benefits of massaging and can be done in the comfort of your own house or gym.


Benefits of Foam Rolling Pre-Exercise:

The use of foam rolling prior to exercise can create great benefits to your performance in a competition or training as it stimulates and increases the excitability of the muscles. It is also an effective way to reduce muscle tension and increase range of motion for optimal performance. This can also assist in reducing the risk of injury during your training or competition as you now have optimal range of motion to compete at a high level.


Benefits of Foam Rolling Post-Exercise:

Foam rolling after exercise will generate benefits such as reducing muscle DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness). Which leads to a quicker recovery post training or competition. Post-exercise it will also help reduce muscle soreness and in doing so relieve tension in the body. It can also break up any scar tissue or muscle tightness that you may have from a previous injury, and help increase your initial range of motion when first recovering.