Office 9850 9005 Hours: Mon to Fri 5.30am to 11.00pm Weekends - 7.00am to 11pm [email protected]

Boxing Classes

Our fitness programs incorporate a heavy emphasis on the art and skill of boxing, to enhance fitness levels while improving important aspects of sports such as speed, power, reaction time and physicality, all while getting an extremely high-intensity workout. Please see below some information about both private and group session options.


Private Boxing Classes

Our private 1 on 1 boxing classes allows us to train you in the art of boxing with technical coaching at the forefront of each session. Here at Vida Fitness, it is our belief that boxing is the most well-rounded form of physical exercise, combining muscular strength, power, endurance, and speed to help you shed the kilos and achieve your goals.

Sessions can be booked in with the Vida team at a variety of weekly time slots. These sessions are 1 on 1 but can be two on one if you would like to come along with a friend. You are able to purchase 10 passes or select the weekly payment option. Click on the link at the bottom to view the weekly timetable.

Group Boxing Classes

Our group sessions allow for a great atmosphere with multiple people working together under the guidance of one of our coaches. Exercising with a companion adds a great social aspect to your workout as you help push each other through the tough sessions in the ring.