Office 9850 9005 Hours: Mon to Fri 5.30am to 11.00pm Weekends - 7.00am to 11pm [email protected]

At Vida Fitness, we love helping junior athletes develop in their chosen sport. As many of you may know, we have junior athletes from a variety of sports training with us, and we develop sport-specific training sessions being developed.

We are very fortunate to have Patrick BensonJo-Anne Karaitiana on our team who have a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science and a Masters in Strength and Conditioning, but more importantly, have worked with elite junior athletes in soccer, to implement individual programs specific to the athlete’s needs.

Strength & Conditioning for Junior Soccer Players

Over the past years at Vida, we have been asked numerous times about strength training for junior athletes. Working with young athletes, it is important to get the right balance of training on and off the pitch.

Strength is the key building block for physical development and in turn soccer development eg. Speed, power, mobility, agility, flexibility etc). Junior soccer players need to ensure they get stronger and have a balanced body to not only improve performance but to prevent injuries. For junior athletes to get the most out of their training and development, the building blocks of a stable body must be developed. This is critical for long-term success!

A player’s Strength and Conditioning program are designed for athletes to ensure that fundamental movement are established and developed. These include

  • Squat, Hinge, Push, Pull, Lunge and Rotate

All exercise prescriptions are bodyweight or very low resistances through therabands, dumbells, kettlebells, medicine balls etc until each individual player can demonstrate the capacity to perform the exercise with proper technique. The focus is:

  • Dynamic and soccer-specific warm up with concentration on good technique and body awareness
  • Footwork and movement patterns – efficiency with change of direction
  • Basic strength and stability
  • Improving mobility & flexibility
  • Coordination- connecting the upper and lower body
  • Reaction and anticipation
  • Balance and stability
  • Prehabilitation based on known predisposition to injuries that soccer players will likely encounter throughout their adolescents and beyond

Performing these basic fundamental strength exercises on a regular basis will give young athletes a great platform to build on in the future. It is the best way to educate them on good functional biomechanics and help prevent injuries. Developing and strengthening these movements will enable junior athletes to move better, have more power and recover more effectively. It is especially important for young athletes to understand and be consciously aware of these movement patterns. When athletes start to lift weights, not having these fundamentals engrained can be detrimental to long-term success and increase the chance of injury.

As the athlete develops, so do their Strength & Conditioning needs, loads and program specifics.

Teambuildr Software

At Vida Fitness, we use the gold-standard programming software used worldwide by clubs such as Arsenal and Chelsea to ensure athletes adhere to their program. This way we can track, update and implement strategies to get the best out of our clients.

You will access to your own Teambuilr account on your phone and we will plan, monitor and adjust your program.

Gym Membership & S&C Program

There are two program options for Soccer players coming into our program. The first place to start is with the Gym Membership & S&C Program which gives athletes a gym membership, a weekly program on the Teambuildr APP that is updated every four to six weeks as well as a 45min PT Session weekly. There is also a Vida team member on the floor to help with your training during listed trainer hours.

When the athlete is ready, the follow on program is the Gym Membership & Programming membership.

To view all the program information and registration Click Here

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a chat about the options for you, please contact us – [email protected]